We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Colwyn Bay.
Premises GPhC Number: 1092199We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
Free Covid Tests for the vulnerable & elderly patients
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
Headlice and nits are very common in young children. They don’t have anything to do with dirty hair and are usually picked up from head-to-head contact.
Headlice are small insects, up to 3mm long and can be difficult to spot. Head lice eggs (nits) are yellow, brown or white (empty shells) and are attacked to the hair. Head lice can make your head feel itchy or like something is moving in your hair. The only way to be sure someone has head lice is by finding live lice or eggs. You can do this by combing their hair with a special fine-toothed comb. Our Pharmacist can advise you on the best course of treatment and prevention.
Provided free thanks to BCUHC funding. 12 week course with proven results. Enquire instore or call 01492 516415
Sore throats are very common and usually nothing to worry about. They normally get better by themselves within a week.In our pharmacy we can do a test for a sore throat and consult for water infection and give antibiotics if appropriate-saving you an appointment with the GP.
How to treat a sore throat yourself
To help soothe a sore throat and shorten how long it lasts you can:
To help relieve the pain and discomfort of a sore throat you can:
You can buy them from our pharmacy without a prescription.
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
Free Covid Tests for the vulnerable & elderly patients
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
Headlice and nits are very common in young children. They don’t have anything to do with dirty hair and are usually picked up from head-to-head contact.
Headlice are small insects, up to 3mm long and can be difficult to spot. Head lice eggs (nits) are yellow, brown or white (empty shells) and are attacked to the hair. Head lice can make your head feel itchy or like something is moving in your hair. The only way to be sure someone has head lice is by finding live lice or eggs. You can do this by combing their hair with a special fine-toothed comb. Our Pharmacist can advise you on the best course of treatment and prevention.
Provided free thanks to BCUHC funding. 12 week course with proven results. Enquire instore or call 01492 516415
Sore throats are very common and usually nothing to worry about. They normally get better by themselves within a week.In our pharmacy we can do a test for a sore throat and consult for water infection and give antibiotics if appropriate-saving you an appointment with the GP.
How to treat a sore throat yourself
To help soothe a sore throat and shorten how long it lasts you can:
To help relieve the pain and discomfort of a sore throat you can:
You can buy them from our pharmacy without a prescription.
Get Your Flu Jab with Camella Healthcare
Let us know if you would like to get your flu vaccination with us and we will organise your booking. Free on the NHS for anyone over 65 (before 31.03.2025) and for people who are pregnant or have certain medical conditions.
Request Your Flu Jab